left SGS2 - right SX230
It is quite amazing, how close the SGS2 gets to the SX230. In the sky, the smaller dynamic range of the SGS2 becomes visible. And in 100% view, the SX230 shows more detail. But for a phone, this is quite a good picture quality.
left SGS2 - right SX230
Here it gets even better. You have to look very closely to see, which one is from a phone and which one is from a compact camera.
left SGS2 - right S95
Now this scene is very difficult for a compact camera and would be so even for a DSLR, so I took the S95 instead of the SX230. Of course the SGS2's photo lacks a bit of the drama which the S95 could catch quite well. But hey, this is comparing a phone's camera to one of the best compact cameras ever made. And though you probably would not print a poster from the SGS2's shot, it is quite a good picture.
In general, the SGS2 offers a very good camera replacement for all the situations, where you have just your phone with you.